cma_azienda4CMAlifts designs, manufactures, assembles and delivers lifts and elevators for civil and industrial use. CMAlifts product solutions are innovative, complete, customizable and highly reliable: from plant/system design and production, through order management, to punctual on-site delivery.
CMAlifts, founded in 2001 by the brothers Giulio and Gaetano Caputo, is an international leader in the design, manufacture, assembly and delivery of lifts and elevators for civil and industrial use.
The size of the company as well as of the market in which CMAlifts operates, have exponentially grown, in the recent years, so much as to require a carefully planned project of business growth, which led to the recent inauguration of the new production facilities in March 2016.
This has made CMAlifts turn into a solid reality, always oriented to co-operation with new partners. It is not a surprise that the company offers customers state-of-the-art technology solutions and plant components of the most important suppliers worldwide.
Since 2010, CMAlifts has rolled out new offices in Italy, thus expanding their business influence in Rome, Naples, Palermo and Milan.
A real industrial enterprise with the heart of a craftsman, CMAlifts has kept its focus on blending revolutionary hi-tech solutions with the excellence and expertise of their personnel’s skills.
CMAlifts' reference marketplace knows no boundaries. Deeply rooted into the Italian home market, CMAlifts has today become also a main player, a proven leading company in the Balkans and Northern Europe.
CMAlifts has also been aiming, for years, at important co-operations with the North and Central African areas, supporting with enthusiasm and passion many partners operating in these territories.
Greater success involves greater responsibilities. For this reason, CMAlifts has always rewarded its trust in people through investments in research projects designed to give a smile to those who need it most. In particular, it supports the association "Gocce nell'Oceano" and A.F.F.D.A (The Disabled Children Families’ Association) and, in a context of global responsibilities, the WORLD COMMUNITY GRID project, supporting research through allocating its own unused computing resources in areas such as health and environment.

Furthermore, CMAlifts firmly believes in the educational value of sports, especially among young people. The company is proud of being the official sponsor of local basketball and football associations, as well as the official “Ryugi” Karate association’s promoter.

Company Profile
Steel lift shaft structures
Landing doors and door-frames
Colour Chart
Lift cabin collection
Igea brochure
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